Why Does the Tip of My Pee Hole Burn After Ejaculation?

ouch sign

Having burning sensations when you pee isn’t something to be alarmed about. This usually occurs when the urethra is irritated.

The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the tip of your penis. It’s also used to transmit semen and sperm during sexual activity. It can be irritated by rough stimulation during masturbation, like from a certain type of lubricant.

Meatal stenosis

A condition called meatal stenosis (mi:’tral st’no’sis) occurs when the urethra opening at the tip of the penis, or the urethral meatus, narrows. It is most often seen in circumcised males. It is thought to be caused by irritation (inflammation) after a newborn boy is circumcised, which leads to abnormal scar tissue that narrows the meatus. Meatal stenosis can cause symptoms like a slow urine stream that shoots upward, and may be diagnosed by watching your child urinate or using a special test.

A narrow urethral meatus can also decrease urine flow, making it difficult to empty the bladder completely. This can lead to problems such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones and incontinence. The urethra is used to carry both urine and semen from the body, so the problem can affect sexual function as well.

If you suspect your child has a problem with their meatal stenosis, we can perform a simple surgical procedure to correct it. This is a short operation that is usually done in our office or the operating room. The procedure is called a meatoplasty or a meatotomy, and it involves making a small slit to widen the meatus. Our urologists can also help your child learn ways to avoid meatal stenosis by using proper genital hygiene, including lubrication during sexual activity and masturbation.

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Urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) can happen when bacteria enter the urethra and reach your bladder. This can also affect your prostate or epididymis (a tube at the back of your testicles). A UTI is more common in women, but it can affect men too. It’s more likely to happen if you use lubricants or condoms that contain latex or have an allergy to them, or if you frequently masturbate and ejaculate.

The tip of your pee hole is located near the anus, and it’s easy for bacteria from your large intestine to get into your urethra. If you have a UTI, it’s likely that this bacteria will travel up to your bladder and cause pain when you pee.

Women’s shorter urethras can make it easier for bacteria to reach their bladders, too. They can also get a UTI from sex or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Symptoms of a UTI include painful or burning pee, pus-like discharge from the penis (in males) or vagina (in females), and swollen lymph nodes in the groin area. Usually, you’ll need to take antibiotics to cure a UTI. This usually takes about a week, but if you don’t finish your prescription, your symptoms could come back. You can prevent UTIs by emptying your bladder often, wiping from front to back after you go to the bathroom, and not using scented lubricants or douches.

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Prostate gland infection

The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland that sits beneath the bladder and in front of the urethra. It helps make fluid for semen and protects and energizes sperm as they travel to the female egg. Sometimes the prostate gland can become inflamed or infected. This can cause a burning sensation when you urinate or ejaculate. This condition is called prostatitis.

The most common symptom of prostatitis is pain with urination or ejaculation. You may also have other symptoms, such as blood in the urine or an enlarged prostate. You should see your doctor if you have these symptoms. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and health history. He or she will also do a physical exam. This will include a digital rectal exam (DRE). During this exam, your doctor will place a gloved finger in your rectum to feel the size of your prostate. Your doctor will also test your urine and a sample of your semen for signs of infection.

If you have a mild case of prostatitis, your doctor might prescribe antibiotics. This treatment usually includes taking antibiotics for 4 to 12 weeks. If you have a severe case of prostatitis, your doctor may need to remove part or all of your prostate. This procedure is done under local anesthesia. You will not need to stay in the hospital.

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Semen infection

Painful peeing after sex can be due to the skin around the genitals becoming irritated during sexual activity. It may also be a sign of more serious health problems, including urinary tract infections and certain sexually transmitted diseases. Your healthcare professional will review any observable symptoms and test you for the underlying problem, including performing a urine routine examination and semen analysis.

The tip of the penis contains the ejaculatory duct, which is where semen travels to leave the body. If this duct becomes blocked, it can lead to painful peeing after sex and decrease the amount of sperm that is released. Men who are uncircumcised can be prone to a condition called balanitis, which is an inflammation of the foreskin that may cause pain when peeing.

Infections of the prostate can also cause a burning sensation when peeing. If left untreated, it can cause a serious condition called prostatic hyperplasia (a benign tumor of the prostate). The doctor will perform tests to determine the type and severity of the infection.

In addition to a painful burning sensation when peeing after sex, a man with a semen infection may experience other symptoms, such as painful or frequent urination, redness and swelling of the groin, and blood in the urine (hematuria). The patient should be tested for an STD, such as syphilis, which can be spread through sexual contact.

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