How to Stay Hard After Ejaculation and Enjoy Your Sexual Pleasure Longer

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There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how long an erection lasts, as it depends on many physical and psychological factors. Being unenthusiastic, being tired or stressed, and even having some long-term health conditions can cause your erection to last shorter than you’d like.

But there are some things you can do to shorten your refractory period and stay hard after orgasm.


In general, exercise is good for all things sexual, including boosting your ability to stay hard after you cum. This is because physical activity increases blood flow to your penis, helping you to maintain an erection. Additionally, exercises like Kegels (which help strengthen pelvic floor muscles) have also been shown to improve a man’s ability to delay orgasm and ejaculation.

Another trick to try is the “start-stop” technique. This involves masturbating up until you are close to orgasm, but stopping short of it. This helps to train the brain to recognize that there is more pleasure to be had, and stops it from ejaculating prematurely.

Lastly, making sure you are aroused before you engage in sexual activities can also help you stay hard after you cum. This is because erections are a response to sexual stimulation, so the more you are turned on, the longer your erection will last.

A man’s refractory period can also be shortened by avoiding alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs that restrict the body’s blood vessels. In addition, it’s a good idea to avoid overly tight clothing around the genital area since this can cause discomfort and lead to erections that quickly fade. Finally, nitric oxide supplements have been found to reduce the refractory period by encouraging the release of neurotransmitters and hormones that promote penile dilation and arousal.

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It may sound improbable that a set of exercises designed to help women control their bladder problems could be used by men to stop premature ejaculation and increase the length of erections, but that’s exactly what Kegel exercises can do – This section was conveyed by the website These are simple exercises that involve squeezing the muscles in your pelvic floor. They can be done anywhere, and are also a good way to strengthen the muscles you need to stop leakage of urine or feces.

One of the best ways to practice Kegels is by doing a quick series of them every time you go to the bathroom. This helps you get accustomed to the feeling of the muscles tightening and relaxing and will make it easier for you to keep the feeling going throughout your day. You can also practice fast Kegels, which involve squeezing the muscles for about 10 seconds.

Both slow and fast kegels can be effective for helping you control your bladder, but you need to be consistent in your practice. It’s important to set a schedule and commit to it, and you should also be sure to track your progress so that you can see the difference the exercises are making in your life. This will give you a vested interest in continuing with the exercises, and it will be much easier for you to keep up with your regimen even during stressful periods of your life.

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Getting hard after ejaculation is a common challenge for men. Whether the problem is related to sexual arousal, a lack of fresh blood flow, or a hormonal reaction, it can be frustrating. But there are many ways to help you stay hard and enjoy your sexual pleasure longer.

One of the most effective methods is to use cock rings. Cock rings work by restricting the flow of blood out of the penis. This creates an imbalance, so that more blood enters the cock and helps to keep it hard. They also help prevent premature ejaculation, as they can limit the movement of the sperm through the vas deferens.

There are different types of cock rings, so it’s important to find the right fit for you. Some are made of rubber, silicone, or hard plastic and are designed to stretch, while others are more solid. If you’re new to cock constriction, it’s best to start with a stretchy ring and move up to something more rigid once you’ve gotten comfortable.

It’s also essential to remember that erections are a response to being turned on. Try focusing on sexually arousing thoughts and engaging in foreplay to stimulate your cock. Finally, be sure to use plenty of lube when wearing a cock ring. If you do get stuck-which is a rare event but can happen-it’s important to know how to fix the issue before it becomes dangerous.

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Sex Products

While the idea of being able to keep an erection even after your partner cums might sound like the penile party trick that keeps on giving, it’s actually not so easy for most people. This is because of a little something called the refractory period, which is a temporary period of intense sensitivity in the genital area that occurs after a person orgasms and makes it difficult for them to get another erection right away.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help shorten this period and make it easier for you to stay hard after cum. For starters, be sure to avoid any stimulants that can decrease sexual arousal, such as alcohol and cigarettes. Also, try to have regular exercise, which has been shown to help increase sexual arousal.

You can also use sex toys to give yourself an extra boost of pleasure, such as a vibrator or clitoral stimulator. Just be careful not to over-stimulate yourself, since that can also cause you to orgasm prematurely.

Finally, if you’re prone to premature ejaculation, be sure to masturbate a few hours before having sex so that you don’t orgasm too early and ruin your chances of getting a good erection. It may take a bit of trial and error to find the optimal amount of time before you have sex, but with a little practice, you should be able to manage your orgasm better and be able to maintain an erection for longer periods of time.

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