How I Cure My Premature Ejaculation

yellow banana fruit on black surface

There are a variety of treatment options for PE. Behavioural techniques like the squeeze and stop-start technique can help, and numbing sprays or wipes may reduce sensitivity. Medications including SSRIs (which are usually used to treat depression) and Viagra can also be prescribed off-label for PE.

Your doctor will ask you questions about your sexual history and relationships, and give you a physical exam. They may recommend therapy with a psychologist or sex therapist.

1. Meditation

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual health issue affecting millions of men/individuals worldwide. It can lead to frustration, embarrassment and even relationship stress. Fortunately, there are several natural treatment options that can help. One of the most promising is meditation. Studies suggest that meditation can be an effective way to control PE and reduce sexual anxiety.

The reason why PE often happens is that the brain stimulates the penis before sexual contact occurs, anticipating pleasures and drawing on memories of previous orgasms. This can make the penis feel overloaded and cause it to ejaculate prematurely. It can also happen as a result of having erectile dysfunction, which makes it harder for the penis to stay firm during orgasms.

It’s important to talk openly about PE with your partner and take the first steps to treat it together. Sexual therapy, relationship counselling and other techniques can help you overcome your PE and improve sexual satisfaction for both you and your partner.

One technique that can be used during sex is to squeeze the end of your penis just below the head when you feel like you’re about to ejaculate. Research suggests this can significantly increase the time until climax. Other ways to slow down the release of semen include focusing on slow, erotic sexual activities or practising breathing and mindfulness exercises before you have sex.

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2. Yoga

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition that occurs when semen is released from the penis too early, often during sexual intercourse. PE can be a frustrating problem and it can make sex less enjoyable for both partners. It can also lead to anxiety and can impact a relationship negatively. There are a number of different treatments available for PE, including behavioural therapy and medications.

Research suggests that regular yoga can help treat PE. It can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve the way that semen is ejaculated. Performing a variety of yoga poses, such as Paschimottanasana (Spiderman Pose), can help stretch the hips and improve posture. This exercise can also help to relax the shoulders and reduce stress levels.

Other yoga exercises that can be beneficial for PE include Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) and Kapalbhati (Breath of Fire). These movements can stimulate blood flow to the groin, improve core strength and help to reduce stress.

The key to treating PE is to tackle the root cause of the problem. This can be done through various methods, including ayurvedic remedies and exercises. Talking to an Ayurvedic doctor is one of the best ways to find a treatment plan that works for you. They can recommend exercises to delay climax and advise you on the right diet for your body type. They can also advise you on herbal supplements and ayurvedic medicines for PE that will help with the problem.

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3. Herbal Remedies

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common male sexual problems and it affects up to 39% of men. The condition can be lifelong or acquired after certain sexual encounters. Some techniques like the squeeze or stop-start method can help to delay ejaculation. However, these methods only offer a temporary relief and they cannot address the root cause of the problem.

Herbal remedies for PE can be very effective in reducing symptoms and treating the underlying cause of the condition. In fact, the oldest civilizations including India and China have herbal treatments for this problem. The Indian ayurvedic medicine counts kamini vidrawan ras and yauvanamrit vati as herbs that are effective against premature ejaculation. The Chinese traditional herbal medicines such as yimusake and qilin are also effective for this purpose.

These herbs have a natural herbal formulation and they help to boost the semen production as well as the quality of the semen. They are also beneficial for erectile dysfunction and they improve the overall sexual health. They are available as herbal supplements in the form of capsules that can be taken twice daily with lukewarm water.

There are also some topical numbing sprays and creams that can be purchased over the counter or by prescription. These can temporarily desensitize the head of the penis allowing you to prolong intercourse and they are easy to use, inexpensive and pose little risk of side effects.

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4. Diet

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem in men that can cause emotional stress and sexual dissatisfaction in couples. Fortunately, it can be treated with behavioural and natural methods. Adding healthy foods to your diet and following ayurvedic remedies can help you curb PE. These foods can increase your libido, boost testosterone levels and improve your performance in the bedroom.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants that enhance blood flow to the genitals during sex, reducing premature ejaculation. You can eat boiled carrots with honey and egg daily to get the best results.

Cinnamon is a potent aphrodisiac that can boost your sexual desire and performance. You can have it as a tea by mixing it with ginger and honey. You can also add it to your food or drink water infused with cinnamon powder for best results.

Garlic has aphrodisiac properties that can reduce PE and increase the length of your intercourse. It’s also an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, so it’s good for your overall health.

Bananas are high in potassium and can manage blood flow, which is why they’re an effective remedy for PE. They can also improve sperm count and boost stamina. Avocados are also a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, that aid in regulating blood flow. You can eat them whole or make a smoothie to reap the benefits.

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