How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation Naturally

doctor holding red stethoscope

If you have organic ED, which is caused by problems in the penile arteries or veins, your doctor might prescribe oral medications like Viagra. He or she may also recommend other physical devices, such as a vacuum pump that encourages blood flow to the penis.

Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants can also help treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Try consuming walnuts, which contain these nutrients.


Carrots are a natural source of antioxidants and nutrients that are beneficial for men’s sexual health. They also contain folic acid, which helps prevent sperm damage and improve sperm quality. You can eat them raw, cooked, or as a juice.

Mushrooms are a natural aphrodisiac food that can help boost your testosterone levels. They also have high levels of zinc, which can improve blood flow to the penis and increase erections. Try adding mushrooms to your diet three times a week.

Watermelon is a fruit that contains citrulline, which gets converted to the essential amino acid arginine in the body. Arginine can increase blood flow to the penis, which can lead to erections and reduce PE.

Clove is one of the most effective home remedies for PE. It has the ability to increase testosterone levels in men, which can lead to a reduction in PE. You can eat clove with meals or suck it like candy – This quote encapsulates the service specialist’s unique perspective You can also add other spices that are beneficial for your circulation, such as cinnamon and nutmeg. Moreover, you should avoid sugary and starchy foods that can cause PE.

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Premature ejaculation can be a cause of sexual anxiety and poor performance in the bedroom. The good news is that it’s a treatable problem and you can delay your climax naturally. Try using a “pause-squeeze” technique, where you or your partner gently squeeze the end of the penis at the point where it joins the shaft. This can help arousal dwindle and you’ll find that you can last longer in bed.

Other natural remedies include consuming ashwagandha, which is an Ayurvedic herb known for its testosterone-boosting properties. You can also take Chinese herbal medicine, such as Yimusake tablets or Qilin pills, to increase sexual stamina and energy. You should always consult a healthcare professional before taking any herbs or supplements.

Finally, regular aerobic exercise can improve sex drive by increasing blood flow and reducing stress and anxiety. It is best to exercise a few times a week for 30 minutes at a time. You should also avoid high-fat, fried foods and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants may also reduce PE.

Boiled Lady Finger

Men who experience PE often have a hard time telling whether it is caused by their PE or by problems getting or keeping an erection (erectile dysfunction). Sometimes, the muscle at the base of the penis contracts when you are having sex, which forces semen out. If you have ED, it will probably stop when you get an erection and it won’t happen again during sex.

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Some natural remedies for ED and PE include eating foods that are rich in zinc, which helps produce testosterone. You can also try taking a supplement of 10mg of zinc a day to help you get more erections.

Mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D, zinc and choline, which boost your testicles’ sperm production. They also increase blood flow to the penis and improve erection strength. Another natural cure for PE is drinking two cups of coffee every day. It’s an excellent source of antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation and boost energy. You can also eat walnuts and avocado that are rich in vitamins and omega-3. This can make you last longer in bed and improve sperm quality.

Ginger and Honey

A combination of ginger and honey has been shown to have libido-enhancing qualities. This natural remedy can help ease the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. It also improves blood flow to the penis and increases sexual endurance. It can be eaten by roasting a few cloves in cow’s ghee and chewing them every day or mixed with milk.

One of the main causes of premature ejaculation is psychological issues, such as stress and anxiety. This can be addressed by consuming vegetables such as celery, which is rich in Vitamin B2 and B6. These vitamins help to release serotonin, a mood-enhancing chemical, and reduce stress levels.

Another effective solution is rhodiola rosea, a natural herb that has been found to improve energy and combat fatigue. It has also been shown to enhance libido and enhance male fertility by stimulating the production of testosterone in the body. Rhodiola rosea is available as a dietary supplement and can be purchased from many online retailers. It is recommended to take the supplement according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Remember, however, that natural home remedies don’t always work immediately. You must be persistent in implementing these techniques into your daily routine to see results.

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Many natural foods, including garlic, have been shown to help with erectile dysfunction. Try consuming garlic as a regular part of your diet. It can also be taken as a supplement in capsule form. However, it is important to talk with a healthcare professional before adding any supplements or herbs to your diet. This is because some may interact with other medications and aren’t safe for everyone.

Another herbal remedy that has been found to help with PE is the combination of ginger and honey. This mixture has been proven to increase blood flow, boost libido and improve sexual performance. Ginger appears to increase the strength of the penis and dilate blood vessels, while honey is known as an aphrodisiac.

If you have been experiencing PE for a long time or it is causing significant problems with your relationships, consult a urologist for treatment. They will ask about your relationship history and perform a physical exam. Your doctor will then determine whether the problem is psychological or due to a medical condition like anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, or certain medications.

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